Acupuncture treatment for sciatica is
well-researched. More and more people seek acupuncture for sciatica...

The sciatic nerve (/saɪˈætɪk/; also called ischiadic nerve, ischiatic nerve) is a large nerve in humans and other animals. It begins in the lower back and runs through the buttock and down the lower limb. It is the longest and widest single nerve in the human body, going from the top of the leg to the foot on the posterior aspect. The sciatic nerve supplies nearly the whole of the skin of the leg, the muscles of the back of the thigh, and those of the leg and foot. It is derived from spinal nerves L4 through S3. It contains fibres from both the anterior and posterior divisions of the lumbosacral plexus. (From Wikipedia)
The nerve roots that exit the spine to form the sciatic nerve are extremely sensitive, and the inner portion of the disc that may herniate or extrude contains proteins that are inflammatory and easily irritate the nerve.
Therefore, if some of the inner portion of the disc (the nucleus) comes too close to the nerve, the nerve may be irritated and become inflamed, causing sciatic nerve pain.
Different Types of Sciatic Nerve Pain
There is a wide range of sciatica symptoms and the type and severity of pain depends on the condition causing the symptoms, as well as the individual patient’s experience of the pain.
The most common form of leg pain from the sciatic nerve is characterized by the following symptoms:
- Occurs in one leg (not both).
- Starts in the low back or buttock, and radiates down the back of the thigh and typically into the lower leg and/or the foot.
- Is usually experienced as a sharp pain, as opposed to a throbbing or dull ache. Words people often use to describe sciatic nerve pain include burning, searing, sharp pain.
- Is usually worse when standing or sitting still, and feels better lying down or walking.

Most cases of sciatica are caused by a simple irritation to the nerve and could get immediate pain relief with acupuncture.
Acupuncture is the use of small needles placed in specific areas to help relieve pain and inflammation. Acupuncture could help to reduce muscles spasm and inflammation associated with the sciatic nerve by improving blood flow to the lower back and increasing circulation. It could help to relax muscles and increase flexibility.
The acupuncture points choosing depend on individual conditions, most of cases using limbs acupuncture points.
There was a young man got sciatic nerve pain from gym injury, so the treatments cost is covered by ACC. We chose seasonal Bagua points along UB meridian, after inserting 3 needles, he didn’t feel any pain at once. He said acupuncture was amazing.
However, some sciatica symptoms may indicate a potentially serious injury to the sciatic nerve, including:
If there is bowel or bladder incontinence (inability to control the bowel or
bladder) and/or progressive weakness or loss of sensation in the legs, the condition may be serious and immediate medical attention should be sought.
If weakness or numbness is present, the nerve may be damaged and it is important to seek attention from a health care professional. If the nerve is compressed and the pain and symptoms are severe, surgery may be warranted.
Tips to Relieve Sciatic Nerve Pain
Heat could help to increase the blood flow to this area, and could give positive results in reducing pain and inflammation.We don’t suggest using ice.
Stretching can offer good support for the back. Certain stretches for the sciatica can help release the tightness and relax the muscles. In addition, stretching is good prevention.
Physical Therapy
Physical therapy can include a variety of modalities that include massage, electrotherapies, and exercises. These therapies are intended to help reduce pain, inflammation and muscle spasms. Physical therapy also consists of education and training to learn about correct movements and postures that can best help you and your sciatic nerve.
Support and Posture
Sitting on hard or uneven surfaces can aggravate the sciatic nerve therefore, making sure there is good support and posture can help. If you sit at a desk, having a chair that tilts a bit and shifts your weight can reduce stress on the lower back creating less pressure and pain. A firm yet cushioning mattress can help. Sleeping with side bent knees can also help align posture while you are sleeping.