Acupuncture is primarily concerned with regulating the
individual's life force, the body energy or 'Qi'. It has a number of physiological effects:
Acupuncture has a relaxation response with decreased heart rate, lowered BP, stress reduction and increased energy and tissue regeneration.
It has been shown to produce a calming or tranquilizing action that is of particular interest to people in states of stress.
Acupuncture may relieve feelings of anxiety and depression, which may be serious handicaps for people trying to cope with difficult domestic, social and work problems.
Patient may regain a feeling of well-being and self-confidence. It may be a substitute for sleeping pill, tranquilizers, and antidepressant drugs.
Acupuncture may be used in many cases not only as an alternative to these drugs but also as a method to reduce side effects and dependence.
Acupuncture might provide a safe and effective tool for stress. It will not, of course, change the circumstances of a person's life, but it could usually produce a feeling of well-being.
Restoring the balance and thus protecting health by identifying each individual's unique energy profile to see where the weak spots are and where support is needed to restore balance.
Acupuncture can open a window of opportunity. As the heavy feelings of stress are relieved, a person feels more confidence in his ability to cope with unpleasant aspects of his life situation and make necessary changes.