A wide body of both clinical and scientific evidence now exists confirming the benefits of acupuncture in the treatment of lower back pain. Not only is there a decrease in pain levels, but those receiving treatment also report a general improvement in overall wellbeing. In the UK, acupuncture is covered by the NHS for the treatment of lower back pain after studies confirmed its efficacy and cost effectiveness.
In Nine Life Land Acupuncture Healing Centre, most cases you can expect 70-80% pain relief at the first visit. Some acute case caused by injury, you may get instant results. You came on a stretcher and stand to go back after acupuncture treatment. And the acute case often uses one needle only.
By Salynn Boyles
According to WebMD Health News report that Patients Report More Pain Relief From Acupuncture Than Conventional Treatment.
Acupuncture proved to be more effective than conventional lower back pain treatments in a new study.
The German study compared outcomes among 1,162 patients with chronic low back pain treated with traditional Chinese acupuncture; sham acupuncture; or a conventional approach to treating back pain using drugs, physical therapy, and exercise.
The study is the largest investigation of acupuncture vs. conventional nonsurgical treatment for lower back pain ever reported, researchers say.
"Acupuncture represents a highly promising and effective treatment option for chronic back pain," researcher Heinz Endres, MD, tells WebMD. "Patients experienced not only reduced pain intensity, but also reported improvements in the disability that often results from back pain -- and therefore in their quality of life."
Lower back pain,
Endres says up to 85% of people will suffer from low back pain at some point in their lives. The pain may last for a few days or continue as chronic low back pain for months and years.
The world Health Organisation has endorsed the use of acupuncture in the treatment of lower back pain for more than 20 years.
In Chinese medicine, the practitioner looks at the body quite differently than does a Western Medicine practitioner. In addition to asking questions specifically about your lower back pain, the acupuncture practitioner will ask many seemingly unrelated questions such as:
“Do you prefer warmer or cooler weather?” “Do you have your feet out from under the blankets at night?” “Do you get up in the night to go to the toilet?”
Your answers help your practitioner to determine the most appropriate method of treatment.
Once the cause of the lower back pain has been established, the acupuncturist may choose to needle points close to the painful areas or may needle as far away from them as possible.
Because the acupuncture meridians or energy pathways traverse the entire body, sometimes better results are achieved by creating movement of energy through the particular area rather than by needling directly into it.