

Acupuncture is the most well known aspect of Chinese Medicine and may be used alone or in conjunction with herbal medicine, moxibustion (the heating of specific acupuncture points using the herb Artemisia), or tui na (Chinese massage). It is likely that the acupuncture practitioner will also offer dietary and lifestyle advice or suggest a course of exercise.


Herbal Medicine

Chinese medicines are predominantly herbs, although lots of animal parts and mineral form a part of them. Broadly speaking, traditional Chinese medical considers all our daily food and medical products, such as herbal plants, deer velvet and chemical drugs as medicines. There is a saying in Chinese medicines that the medicinal substances and food share the resources.

More than 5,767 kinds of natural medicines have been applied in Chinese medicine, including about 4,773 kinds of plants, 740 kinds of animals, 82 kinds of minerals and 172 others, about 500 kinds of medicines are most commonly used among them. The majority of Chinese medicines are native in China, there are a few medicines which originate in places such as southeast Asia, India, the Middle East, Russia and the Americas.

Chinese medicines have been used for treatment and prevention of diseases for over 5,000 years. Generally they could help to treat most common health problems and maintain general well-being. For virus infections, like cold and flu and most gynaecological problems.


Refers to the warming or heating of individual acupuncture points or regions of the body by burning the herb mugwort close to or actually on the inserted needle. The heat is able to penetrate deeply into the muscles and essentially strengthens the actions of the needles. By drawing more Qi and Blood into the area, Moxa can greatly aid the healing process. It is the burning of Moxa which gives many acupuncture clinics their characteristic aroma.



Cupping therapy is one of traditional Chinese medicine therapies in which a therapist puts special cups on your skin for minutes to create suction. There are different types of cupping, such as retaining cupping, flash cupping, moving cupping and pricking cupping. Our acupuncturists will decide whether you need cupping and choose the type that suits your condition most in order to produce better outcome.

Cupping can help remove toxins from the body and stimulate the flow of fresh blood, lymph, and Qi to the affected area and throughout the body. People get it for many purposes, including to help with muscle pain, inflammation, flu, colds, fever, coughs, blood flow, anxiety, red itchy skin conditions, relaxation and well-being, and as a type of deep-tissue massage.

Dietary Therapy

There is a long documented history in Traditional Chinese Medicine of using dietary remedies and herbal preparations to encourage health. It is not just a matter of eating nourishing healthy food but of eating nourishing healthy food that is right for each individual person and their current state of health.     
